Motivation: why Robius?
Several motivating factors inspired us to start the Robius project:
- App developers want to use Rust, but aren’t sure where or how to get started due to Rust's app dev ecosystem being in a rough state.
- Paralysis of choice among dozens of partial solutions
- Unclear how to integrate many disparate projects
- There are clear business advantages to writing applications in a multi-platform Rust framework.
- Provide a consistent experience for devs and customers
- Avoid redundant dev effort → save money, faster time to market
- Rust is a great language and the right choice for many programming domains, but not for multi-platform apps ... yet.
- Safety → increased correctness, reliability, lower debugging costs
- High performance → responsive, jank-free UI
- No runtime or garbage collection → energy efficiency on mobile devices
The following sections examine each of these factors in detail.